Punkt 1. Kaua oodatud kaunikene kleit sai nüüd purki pandud.
Punkt 2. Sellega esitasin ma eelmise kevade moejoonise & modelleerimise ning mul pole koolis ühtegi võlga.
Punkt 3. Kui välja jätta mõned traageldamise nõelatorked küüne alla ja peale ja kõrvale ning ühe õmblusnõela alistumine minu näppude vahel pooleks murduda, on õmblemine minuga üha suuremaks sõbraks saamas.
Punkt 4. Esimene kevadekuulutaja, sõber Tõnu, on kohal. Ta ärkab üles ja lendab ja poriseb mul kahe akna vahel, kui päike on piisavalt soe. Aga praegu tulid jälle veidi külmemad ilmad ja ta läks uuesti talveunne.
Punkt 5. Tuludeklaratsioon paitas mu pangaarvet ja ma ei pea enam mõnda aega olema nagu lastud vares.
Firstly. I'm done with the mighty long-sewn dress.
Secondly. I finally handed in my fashion drawing & modelling from the previous spring and I officially have no debts at school now.
Thirdly. If I leave out the fact that I continuously stabbed my fingers and nails with the needle and broke one with my fingers, I'm starting to become good friends with Mr Sewing.
Fourthly. The harbinger of spring is here! My good friend Tõnu the Fly, who lives between my two windows, usually wakes up when the sun is warm enough. Then he starts flying and singing to me. But as the weather turned cold again, he went back to hibernation.
Fifthly. My tax return has pleasantly visited my bank account, which means that I may survive the spring until I go to work and earn something.
Ja nüüd siis kleidist endast. Moejoonises tuli võtta foto mingist objektist. Mõtiskleda, kuidas ta mind inspireerib. Haarata paber ja pliiats. Hakata sirgeldama. Vaatasin akent ja sirgeldasin kleidi. Kui pildi järgi tuli õmblema hakata, siis jätsin pooled sirgeldamised teostamata. Juhtus nõnda.
And now about the dress. In fashion drawing I had to choose a photo about any object. Had to think, how it inspires me. Had to grab for a paper and a pencil. Had to sketch something. I choosed to let the window inspire me. I draw a dress. And then I had to sew it. I hope there is still some similarity between them.
Seniks aga olge vaprad ja hoidke ikka suunurgad üleval!
Until we meet again - keep your laughing wrinkles and dimples in action.
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ReplyDeleteSa oled andekas! :)
ReplyDeleteMh, ma ka oma arust kommenteerisin seda siin.. :D
ReplyDeleteNo aga kommenteeri aga! (: