Mulle meeldivad viimased kolm nädalat. Olen olnud nagu väike väle koopaorav, saavutuseks seitse lehekülge lõputööd ja kolm ainet purgis. YEAH! Selle peale ma tsiteerin A-teami Hannibal Smith'i: "I love it when a plan comes together!" Lisete on oma ülikooli lõpetamise masterplaniga igati graafikus. Nüüd on aeg nädalaks hinge tõmmata, asjad pakkida ja palmi alla lennata. Pakkimisel avastasin taaskord oma ehetekogud ja mõtlesin ka teiega ühte osa sellest jagada, sest ühtegi asjalikumat pildivaru mul hetkel ootel ei ole.
I've really enjoyed the last three weeks. I've been like a little agile marmot accomplishing seven pages of my final thesis and I've also passed three subjects at school. YEAH! It reminds me of Hannibal Smith from the A-team who used to say, "I love it when a plan comes together!" I think Lisete has been pretty great at following the masterplan of graduating university, and, now it's time for a break - pack my suitcase and fly under the palm trees. While I was packing my stuff, I discovered my collection of jewelry and accessories, and I decided to share a part of it with you.
Red Corner.
The Romantic Look. One of my favourites.
Kahjuks ma enam ei mäleta kõikide ehete päritolu, üsna palju ostan tavaliselt Reservedist, Promodist ja Vero Modast. Kõige-kõige ägedamaid olen kogunud endale reisidelt tänavakunstnike käest või olen ise meisterdanud.
I'm not sure if I remember every accessory's origin, but I usually buy them from Reserved, Promod and Vero Moda. But the most prettiest ones I collect from my travels from the artists who sell their products in the streets. Those are very meaningful together with those I've made myself.
Natural Style.
The Feminine Look.
Nagu näha, siis kõrvarõngad on mul suureks sõbraks, aga kaelaehetega ei oska ma eriti midagi teha. Kunagi kippusid nad süües alati supikaussi minema või ukse käepideme taha jääma.. seega ma juba puhtalt ohutusnõuete tõttu loobusin neist. Igal juhul teie aga avaldage julgemini arvamust ja jagage kogemusi, kirjutage, mis ehteid teile meeldib kanda. Seniks aga hoidke suunurgad ikka üleval!
As you can see I'm great friends with earrings but I quite don't know what to do with necklaces. I've only experienced how I water them into my soup bowl or leave them behind the door handle.. so, purely because of safety precautions I've given up to keep in contact with such creatures. Anyway, I encourage you to be more responsive and share your experiences and tell me what kind of jewelry you like to wear! Until next time - keep your laughing dimples in action!
My favourite - blue!
My crazy style.
Red Corner.
The Romantic Look. One of my favourites.
Kahjuks ma enam ei mäleta kõikide ehete päritolu, üsna palju ostan tavaliselt Reservedist, Promodist ja Vero Modast. Kõige-kõige ägedamaid olen kogunud endale reisidelt tänavakunstnike käest või olen ise meisterdanud.
I'm not sure if I remember every accessory's origin, but I usually buy them from Reserved, Promod and Vero Moda. But the most prettiest ones I collect from my travels from the artists who sell their products in the streets. Those are very meaningful together with those I've made myself.
Natural Style.
The Feminine Look.
Nagu näha, siis kõrvarõngad on mul suureks sõbraks, aga kaelaehetega ei oska ma eriti midagi teha. Kunagi kippusid nad süües alati supikaussi minema või ukse käepideme taha jääma.. seega ma juba puhtalt ohutusnõuete tõttu loobusin neist. Igal juhul teie aga avaldage julgemini arvamust ja jagage kogemusi, kirjutage, mis ehteid teile meeldib kanda. Seniks aga hoidke suunurgad ikka üleval!
As you can see I'm great friends with earrings but I quite don't know what to do with necklaces. I've only experienced how I water them into my soup bowl or leave them behind the door handle.. so, purely because of safety precautions I've given up to keep in contact with such creatures. Anyway, I encourage you to be more responsive and share your experiences and tell me what kind of jewelry you like to wear! Until next time - keep your laughing dimples in action!
My favourite - blue!
My crazy style.
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