Nõnda palju ma lõpuks haigusest jagu sain, et julgesin oma köhaga seitsmetunnisele lennureisile minna. Nii kui ma oma nina Tenerifel lennukist välja pistsin, nuuskasin ta põhjamaisest nohundusest korralikult tühjaks, hingasin sisse sooja õhku ja tundsin, et tervis on otsekui tagant taskust mulle taaskingitud. Järgnevast õhtust saadik kuni tänaseni on mu nina olnud punane kui Peeter Punaninal, aga mitte möödunud nohust, vaid päiksepõletusest, mida ma suutsin paari tunni jooksul pilvise ilmaga hankida (isegi minu Lõuna-Eurooplase maiguga tugev tõmmum nahk andis alla). Aga jumet ma sain ja palme ma nägin. Puhata sain ka ja samuti oma kaameraga ringi luusida nagu üks korralik turist.
I could hardly feel well enough to crawl into the plane on a seven-hour trip. As soon as I could sneak my nose out of the plane, I blew it and felt that my northen running nose isn't running anywhere and staying where it has to stay. I breathed in Tenerife's nice warm air and felt healthy as a horse (if that expression is ever used). From the next evening until now I've had the most red nose ever, probably as red as Rudolpf the Red Nose Raindeer has, but not because of any running nose or cold but because of the craziest sunburnt I've ever had. Even my "southern european" skin, (which truly is darker than others' Estonians), couldn't take the superheavy sunlight and literally burned within two hours under the cloudy sun without any suntan lotion. Anyway, I got tanned, saw many palm trees, had some nice resting and chilling days and took some great pictures as a neat tourist is supposed to take.
San Andres. Tenerife idakallas.
Paremale üle mere 500 km pärast jääb Lõuna-Maroko, kui paar Kanaari saart vahele jätta.
Vulkaanilise pinna tõttu on Tenerife rannad originaalis mustad, selleks transporditakse siia valged liivad ei kuskilt mujalt kui otse Saharast.
San Andres. The east coast of Tenerife.
Southern Marocco should be on the right side after a 500 km boat voyage.
Because of the volcanic soil Tenerife's beaches are naturally black and that's why they transport white sand straight from the Sahara desert.
Santa Cruz.
The capital.
The west coast of Tenerife Island.
Los Cristianos, läänekallas.
Mõnusad kohvikud ja restoranid, nagu Lõuna-Euroopa idüll.
Los Cristianos, the west coast.
Pleasant cafes and restaurants, idyllic as southern european towns.
Meie lemmikkohvik.Our favourite cafe.
Playa de las Americas, läänekallas.
Oleks justkui Miami Beachil Floridas ida kaldal või Los Angeleses Califorinias lääne kaldal või kusiganes seal Ameerikamaa soojas merelinnas, kus on palmid ja hotellid ja tänavad hästi konkreetselt risti ja paralleelselt sätitud.. mitte et ma oleks oma jalakesi sinna kunagi üldse tõstnudki..
Playa de las Americas, the west coast.
It reminded me of Miami Beach on the east coast or Los Angeles on the west coast or any other US city situated on the shore with palm trees and hotels, and, where the streets are strictly across and parallel.. not that I've ever been in the States at all..
Heading to the mountains!
El Teide rahvuspark ja vulkaan.
Justkui nagu oleks Marsile sattunud...
El Teide national park and volcano.
It looks like being on Mars..
Meie väike külaline kõrbepiknikul.
Ma pilvedest kõrrr-ge-mal eee-laaan..
Aboooove the clouds..
Ca 2 km
Nii mõneski vales tee otsas sai p i s u t sidurit kärsatatud ja meie kallil kolme hobujõuga punnvõrril veel viimanegi aur välja pigistatud ja sussutatud kuni jõudsimegi mägiteidpidi pilvede alla. Udust vupsas välja imeilus kevadlõhnaline troopiline linn Puerto de la Cruz. Midagi lõunaameerikalikku.After some i n t e r e s t i n g incidents where we accidentaly took a wrong road and had to reverse or just simply burn the clutch until our little rental car (with max three horsepower) was out of every colour of its breath, we finally made our way through the clouds. A lovely town called Puerto de la Cruz emerged out of the massive fog and seemed something like a latin american tropical spring.
Järgmise postituseni!
Until the next post!
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