Eelmine nädal pistsin ema auto kõiksugu õmblustarbeid, -masinaid ja -vahendeid täis, nurusin Triinu endaga kaasa ning põrutasime Hiiumaale. Triin koju, mina suvilasse. Mina läbisin neljapäevase õmblemis-leiutamismaratoni, mille tulemusena valmisid mõned padjad, pajalapid ja -kindad Kärdla käsitöö- ja omatoodangu laada jaoks. Õhtuti tuiasime Triinuga Kärdla peal, korduvalt uudistasime Kärdla verivärsket sadamat, sõitsime ratastega ja käisime Lennale näppu viskamas. Aga nüüdseks olen ma juba peaaegu terve Hiiumaa puhkuse tegemised ette loetlenud; siin näete Hiiumaale sõitmist ja pisikest vahepeatust Haapsalus. Wunderschön linnake see Haapsalu!
Last week I borrowed my mother's car and stuffed it with every possible sewing machine, tool, fabric, widget.. and also made Triin to join me to the trip to Hiiumaa. Triin could go home and spend time with her family and I escaped to my summer cottage. I went through a four-day sewing marathon. Some lovely pillows, pot holders and oven gloves were born to enter a new home on a Kärdla crafts fair, where I was selling my hand-made stuff. In the evenings I enjoyed Kärdla with Triin by walking or cycling around, rediscovering the new Kärdla harbour, and also we had some great time at Lenna's concert. But I'll stop now because I've told almost everything about the vacation but here you see the jorney to Hiiumaa, the lovely stop in Haapsalu - one of the most wunderschön cities in Estonia!
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