Rõõmupäev rõõmupäeva järel.
Viimased päevad pole küll kerged olnud, aga ikkagi elu on lill. Eriti siis, kui sõita rattaga koolist koju, kuulata linnulaulu ja tunda kevadlõhnade pahvakut vastu nägu paiskumas; päike paistab ja tuul on soe, ning üle kere blingib teadmine, et nüüd on kõik ained ülikoolis tehtud ja jäänud veel vaid lõputöö viimased ponnistused...
Siin on valik pilte lapitehnikast, kus õppisin kaheksas erinevas tehnikas kujundeid kokku õmblema. Need tuli kõik mingiks esemeks vormistada. Mina pusisin oma rattale korvi sisemuse õmmelda ja õmblusmasinale pealiskatte. Loodan, et pildid meeldivad. Seniks, nautige kevadet ja olge rõõmsad!
There have been hard times and fun times during the past few days. But most of all, life is just a bowl of cherries. Yesterday, when I was cycling home from school, listening how the birds were singing, feeling the warm summer breeze on my skin and hair, I finally realized, this is it - I've passed all the subjects at university and there's only left the last piece of my final thesis...
Here's a collection of some patchwork, where I learned eight different techniques how to sew together different pieces. I had to attach all these different projects together into one piece of work. I designed my bicycle's cart and also a covering for my sewing machine. I hope you like the photos! Until next time, be happy and creative!
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