Teisipäevast algas üks suur toredus - lapitehnika. Kartsin, et ma ei jõuagi kunagi selle valikaineni. Aga siin ta on - väike step by step seeria minu esmasündinust, nõelapadjast.
From Tuesday I could finally start with one of my favourite textile techniques - patchwork! I was pretty worried about the fact that maybe I will never get a chance to take this subject at school. But here I am, happily engaged with patchwork. I hope you enjoy the little step by step picture series of my firstborn - pincushion.
Sellega saigi minu teisipäev sisustatud.
Kolmapäevaks sulgesin end taas oma tuppa nagu väike koopaorav ja tegelesin kurikuulsa moejoonisega. Ta on nüüd mul kohe-kohe küps. Nii et peagi saan õmblema asuda.. Võib-olla kunagi koidab päev, kui ma selle aine päriselt valmis saan...
That is all about my Tuesday.
On Wednesday I crawled into my room like a caveman to communicate with my infamous fashion drawing. (S)he should be done very-very soon and this means I may start sewing in the near future.. Maybe sometime dawns the day when I am actually done with this subject...
Mul meenus, et täna on sõbrapäev. Tore. Kunagi ma fännasin seda ja vaimustunult saatsin inimestele südant nõretavaid sõnumeid ja vehkisin roosasid või punaseid ninnu-nännusid valmistada. Aga siis ma olin 12. Nüüd ma olen täheldanud, et paljud on seda päeva kõige selle mannavahu peale vihkama hakanud. See mulle ka päris ei meeldi. Täiesti tore, kui keegi sulle mingi vahva üllatuse teeb või kui linn on täis paarikesi, kes vähemalt korra aastas üritavad romantilised olla. Aga 12 ma enam pole ja kellegagi paar ka veel mitte, nii et... Mnjah. Ega mitte-sõbrapäeval mu sõbrad siis mitte-toredamad ole.
Häid sõpru ja palju armastust ka nende vastu, keda on raske armastada!
Ja seda kõike igaks päevaks.
I discovered that today is Valentine's Day. Nice. In Estonian it is often related to frends and called the day of friend's or the friend's day or something like that. I remember the time when I used to admire this day and send passionate messages to my friends and make fluffy pink and red crafts. But then I was 12. Now I see that many people hate all that cheesiness related to the Valentine's Day. I quite do not like that either. I find it cute when somebody makes you a little surprise gift or when the whole city is full of couples, who, at least try to be romantic once a year. But I am not 12 any more and I am not part of a romantic relationship, so... Shoot.
Still, there is no doubt about the fact that my friends are special to me every day. Not only on that specific 14th February.
Many great friends and much love towards people who are difficult to love.
Every day.
Tubli Lisete! Ma alles võtan hoogu..