Teisipäevast algas üks suur toredus - lapitehnika. Kartsin, et ma ei jõuagi kunagi selle valikaineni. Aga siin ta on - väike step by step seeria minu esmasündinust, nõelapadjast. From Tuesday I could finally start with one of my favourite textile techniques - patchwork! I was pretty worried about the fact that maybe I will never get a chance to take this subject at school. But here I am, happily engaged with patchwork. I hope you enjoy the little step by step picture series of my firstborn - pincushion. Sellega saigi minu teisipäev sisustatud. Kolmapäevaks sulgesin end taas oma tuppa nagu väike koopaorav ja tegelesin kurikuulsa moejoonisega. Ta on nüüd mul kohe-kohe küps. Nii et peagi saan õmblema asuda.. Võib-olla kunagi koidab päev, kui ma selle aine päriselt valmis saan... That is all about my Tuesday. On Wednesday I crawled into my room like a caveman to communicate with my infamous fashion drawing. (S)he should be done ver...