Tuleb tunnistada, et tegemist on küllaltki pahviks lööva olukorraga, sest minu mõistus ei võta, kust kohast need 1400 blogi vaatlejat välja ilmusid. Mul vist pole nii palju sõpru-tuttavaidki. Aga igati kaunis ja sürpriisne.
I have to admit that I've quite extraordinary situation here. Honestly, I don't understand, where do all these 1400 blog viewers come from. I'm afraid I even don't have so many friends. But anyway, it's awesome!
Mis on pildil?
Õige vastus: tudengi sassis tuba.
Väike ettekujutus sellest, milline tudengi jaanuarikuu välja võiks näha. Ei mingit puhtust ja korda. Ainult arvuti, raamatud ja pidžaama. Nagu koopainimene. Ei mingit sotsiaalelu.
What's in the picture?
Correct answer: a student's messy room.
A little imagination of student's January. No cleanleness nor order. Only the computer, some books and the pyjamas. Like a caveman. No social life at all.
Miks on alati nii, et keset eksameid ja kõige pingelise õppematerjalide läbitöötamise keskel sügelevad sõrmed hoopis mõne tunduvalt väärtuslikuma raamatu järele? Oo, kuidas haaraks mõne sellise raamatu ja süüviks sellese suurima entusiasmiga kui iial varem...
Why do I always come across with a situation where in the middle of preparing for the exams my fingers are reaching to any other kind of book instead of reading for the exams? Oh, how I'd gladly search for any of those books in here. With my greatest pleasure...
Uue raamatu lõhn..
The smell of a new book..
2/3 minu pisikesest raamatukogust.
2/3 of my little library.
Jaanuari algus on hall nagu seebivesi. Ei ole tal tegu ega nägu. Väljas on nii hämar, et pole nagu valgeks läinudki, kui juba on õhtu piilumas.
Sõidan bussiga. Inimesed on nagu mutantolevused. Tumehallid, tumepruunid, tumesinised, tumemustad, tumetumedad joped-mantlid. Näod kokku surutud ja mõtlikud, seljad küürus. Elutegevus toimub aegluubis hõljudes. Nagu Põhjanabal. Soppa pritsib vastu bussi akent. Vot vägisi kisub naerma. Tahaks kogu seda olukorda kõrvalt vaadates lihtsalt terve bussi naerma ajada. MIS maa see selline on, kus me elame?
Talvel pole päikest olemas, aga suvel on teda see-eest nii palju, et öösel jätkub viietunnisest uneajastki, ikka jooksed ringi nagu Duracelli jänku.
Aga kui juhtub, et esimesed jaanuari päiksekiired sind tabavad, vaat' siis tahaks näo ruttu ära pöörata ja vinguma hakata, kui hele ja vastik ta ikka on.. Mis teha, kui see pilkane pimedus on pika peale lihtsalt pähe hakanud...
Aga kui päike juba teist päeva järjest end ilmutab ja mingid linnud kuskil kraaksuma hakkavad, siis hakkad kilkama ja paned päikseprillid ette. Inimesedki tunduvad palju muhedamad. Bussijuht paistab ka tavapärasemast lõbusam - korjab ka peatuste vahepeal inimesi peale ja tänavatel jalutajad kummardavad ja lehvitavad bussijuhile. Mis on juhtunud, ma küsin? Päike teeb mustkunsti inimestega.
The beginning of January is grey like soap water. Dull, cloudy and foggy. It quite doesn't matter wheater it's day or night, it feels so gloomy anyway.
I'm on a bus. People are like some kind of mutant creatures. They're all wearing dark gray, dark brown, dark blue, dark black, dark... jackets and coats. They look tired, thoughtful, hunchbacked. Everything/-body is moving in slow motion. Like in the North Pole. Some mud splashes on the bus window. It makes me wanna burst into laugh and also make everyone else around me to laugh. Beacuse what the freak is this place where we're living in? No sunshine in winters, but more than plenty of it in summers. People might even have so much energy in summers that they may sleep for five hours during the night but still run around like Duracell rabbits. But if you see the first Sun rays in January, you're normal reaction would be - I hate the Sun! - it's too bright! Only after the second reunion with the Sun you understand how freaking much you actually have missed the sunshine. It's time to wake from the hibernation and wear the sunglasses. People around me start to smile and LIVE again. Also the bus driver seems to be more polite than usually - he picks people up from random places between the stops. People wave to him and bow to say hello. I don't understand! What's happened? The Sun is making some black magic with people around me...
Päike oleks minus nagu mingile start-nupule vajutanud. Hommikul 7.30 üles. Vesiaroobika. Kodu koristamine. Viimaseks eksamiks rabelemine. Mõned muffinid ahju. Ja ongi vabadus. Koopainimene saab taas tsivilisatsiooni. Tartu ja Otepää ootavad.
I feel as the Sun has turned on some kind of a start button in me. Alarm at 7.30 am. Water aerobics. Cleaning home. Preparing for the last exam. Some muffins into the oven. And freedom again. The caveman can meet the civilisation again. Tartu and Otepää - here we come.
I feel as the Sun has turned on some kind of a start button in me. Alarm at 7.30 am. Water aerobics. Cleaning home. Preparing for the last exam. Some muffins into the oven. And freedom again. The caveman can meet the civilisation again. Tartu and Otepää - here we come.
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