Täna on tore kuupäev.
Täpselt aasta tagasi koondusid minu peas nii mõnedki mõttelapsed ja sündis ELL. Vahva on aastale tagasi vaadata ja lugeda oma esimest blogipostitust. Mulle täitsa meenub see põnevustunne, mis mind siis varbaküüne alt ja pealt valdas. Rõõm on tõdeda, et see pole kuskile kadunud. Mõtteid tulevikuks on ELLil kui varrukast võtta. Lihtsalt viimase kuu aja jooksul on nii mõndagi juhtunud ning peaaegu kõik plaanitud käsitöö ettevõtmised on vett läinud vedama.
Today is a great day.
Exactly one year ago some of my good thoughts packed themselves together and gave birth to ELL. It's nice to look back and read my first blogpost. I quite remember the excitement I experienced in my toes. I gladly say that it hasn't gone anywhere. ELL has enough ideas for the future. But right now there are just a few obstacles on the way that have blocked some great opportunities to come out with new and fresh projects.
Vastus on lihtne. Tuli üks kutsumata külaline meningiit. Aga vähemalt ta on nõnda viisakas, et laseb mind täpselt jõulupühadeks haiglast koju.
Jah, sel kõige kaunimal ja käsitöölise jaoks ka magusamal ajal. Samas, fakt on see, et kui kuidagi ei saa, siis kuidagi peab ikka saama.
The main answer is here. Meningitis, the uninvited guest, came to visit me. At least, (s)he is very polite and gave me the permission to leave the hospital just before the Christmas. So, there's always something positive in every issue. If there's no way, there still HAS to be a way to make things work!
If I can't go to school, I can still study.
In the hospital.
If I can't go to work, I may have a rest and sleep.
In the hospital.
If I can't go to my first art & design fair, I can still work on my projects.
In the hospital.
If I can't take part in the December Christmas buzz, then there are angels who bring me all the candies, decorations and joy to the hospital.
Jah, sel kõige kaunimal ja käsitöölise jaoks ka magusamal ajal. Samas, fakt on see, et kui kuidagi ei saa, siis kuidagi peab ikka saama.
Kuigi ma koolis ei saa käia, siis õppida saan ikka.
Kuigi ma tööl ei saa käia, siis selle asemel saan puhata ja magada.
Kuigi ma käsitöölaadale ei saa minna, siis käsitööd saan ikka teha. Haiglas.
Kuigi ma adventi ei saa reeglipäraselt tähistada, siis tuuakse mulle jõulud haiglasse kätte.
The main answer is here. Meningitis, the uninvited guest, came to visit me. At least, (s)he is very polite and gave me the permission to leave the hospital just before the Christmas. So, there's always something positive in every issue. If there's no way, there still HAS to be a way to make things work!
If I can't go to school, I can still study.
In the hospital.
If I can't go to work, I may have a rest and sleep.
In the hospital.
If I can't go to my first art & design fair, I can still work on my projects.
In the hospital.
If I can't take part in the December Christmas buzz, then there are angels who bring me all the candies, decorations and joy to the hospital.
Jõulurahu on mul siin haiglas suurem kui eales varem. Minu eest hoolitsetakse nii palju, et see teeb vaid ülevoolavalt rõõmsaks ja tänulikuks. On mure, kuhu see kõik ära mahutada. Põue enam ei mahu. Pole vahet, kas tegemist on medõe, -venna, arsti, hooldaja, lähedaste või kaugete sõpradega või oma enda perega. Kõik muudkui hoolitsevad. Telefon on punane ja mandariinid ei taha külmikusse ära mahtuda (rääkimata kõhust).
The peace of Christmas has come to me earlier than ever before. I've been taken care of so many people. It doesn't matter wheather it's a nurse, a doctor, a family member, a friend... Everyone is so caring. My phone is working really hard to receive all the messages and calls; I don't know where to put all the candies that I've got.. and I even find it difficult to accomodate all the thankfulness and joy that comes through all the caring..
Thank you.
Mina aga omalt poolt tänan kõiki kannatlikkuse eest ja paitan teid tänutäheks oma senini kõige ekstravagantsema postitusega, mille fotosessioon toimus hiilides keset haigla 11. korruse trepikoridore... Loodan, et see kootud kampsik sobib kenasti mu kõige värskemale sugulasele :)
I'm thankful for all of you who have patiently waited for new posts. Here is the most extravagant post I've ever done. The photos are taken straight from the hospital's 11th floor staircases(where I sneaked around)... I hope that the little cardigan fits my newest relative! :)
Igati asjakohane kuulata:
I'll Be Home For Christmas
The peace of Christmas has come to me earlier than ever before. I've been taken care of so many people. It doesn't matter wheather it's a nurse, a doctor, a family member, a friend... Everyone is so caring. My phone is working really hard to receive all the messages and calls; I don't know where to put all the candies that I've got.. and I even find it difficult to accomodate all the thankfulness and joy that comes through all the caring..
Thank you.
Mina aga omalt poolt tänan kõiki kannatlikkuse eest ja paitan teid tänutäheks oma senini kõige ekstravagantsema postitusega, mille fotosessioon toimus hiilides keset haigla 11. korruse trepikoridore... Loodan, et see kootud kampsik sobib kenasti mu kõige värskemale sugulasele :)
I'm thankful for all of you who have patiently waited for new posts. Here is the most extravagant post I've ever done. The photos are taken straight from the hospital's 11th floor staircases(where I sneaked around)... I hope that the little cardigan fits my newest relative! :)
Igati asjakohane kuulata:
I'll Be Home For Christmas
Ja käsitöölise viiskümmend t ü h j a karpi on ootel su toas...
ReplyDeleteKüll need tühjad karbidki peagi täituvad! :)