Tuleb tunnistada, et veel septembri keskel ringi jalutanud suvised sandaalid pugesid viimase nädala jooksul kribinal-krabinal kappi tagasi ja asemele tõttasid puhvaikad, kummikud ja vihmavarjud. Küllap nii mõnestki tegelasest on juba esimene sügisene tatitormgi üle käinud. Elli töölaualt on õmblus- ja overlokmasinad asendunud raamatute, sõnastike ja märkmepaberitega. Tere magistriõpe.
I have to admit that wintercoats, boots, wellies and umbrellas took the place of sandals very urgently and selfishly during the last few weeks. I bet many folks have also come across with a little flu storm. There are certain signs of autumn - Ell has replaced all the sewing stuff with books, dictionaries and notes. Oh, hello Master's studies.
I have to admit that wintercoats, boots, wellies and umbrellas took the place of sandals very urgently and selfishly during the last few weeks. I bet many folks have also come across with a little flu storm. There are certain signs of autumn - Ell has replaced all the sewing stuff with books, dictionaries and notes. Oh, hello Master's studies.
Kordkuised nädalavahetused koolis istudes tekitavad tunde, et kooli on ütlemata vähe. Põhimõtteliselt seda ongi ju vähe, aga tegelikkuses peaks kõik see vaba aeg võrduma kõikvõimalike esseede ja küll pikku- ja laiupidi enese analüüsimiste ja raamatute lugemistega sisustuma. Ja selleks, et oma punktid kenasti kokku saada ja mitte ainult õpetaja analüüse arvuti klaviatuurist välja imeda, rõõmustavad mind mycket bra rootsi keel ja pohjoisten naapureiden soome keel, mis mu õpimotivatsiooni kuidagi üleval hoiavad. Siiski - keeled suhu ja Euroopasse! Teiseks, et oma õpetaja-analüütiku-teaduri maailmas ellu jääda, asusin tööle täiesti teises maailmas, lastemaailmas. Valvan ja vaatan lapsi, kuidas nad liumäest alla lasevad ja puslesid kokku panevad ja üksteiselt autosid ära võtavad ja siis kõrvad lontis tagasi annavad... Tore on vahelduseks töötada lastega, kellele ei pea mitte midagi müüma ja kes ei nõua sinult ohjeldamatut täiuslikku teenindust või ohjeldamatut naeratust või ohjeldamatuid selgitusi, miks kohv viie minuti asemel kahe sekundiga ei valminud... Ja üsna tore, et see on esimene töö, mis on hiilivalt seotud ka minu tulevase missiooniga saada õpetajaks. Lapsed on toredad. Punkt.
The one and only school weekend I have in every month now, makes me feel as there is oh so little school. Technically, it is few, but in reality the rest of the month should be filled with different kinds of essays, analysis, reports and home reading. I also take mycket bra Swedish and pohjoisten naapureiden Finnish languages to keep my studying motivation high. Another keep-me-on-track-motivator is my work with children. It's so much fun to work with them and see how they behave in different situations. After all, it's so refreshing to have a job where you're not required to have that endless keep-smiling-rushing-around-cleaning-up-service... And, what is even more nicer is the fact that the job is very close to my future mission - to become a teacher. Children are cool. Full stop.
The one and only school weekend I have in every month now, makes me feel as there is oh so little school. Technically, it is few, but in reality the rest of the month should be filled with different kinds of essays, analysis, reports and home reading. I also take mycket bra Swedish and pohjoisten naapureiden Finnish languages to keep my studying motivation high. Another keep-me-on-track-motivator is my work with children. It's so much fun to work with them and see how they behave in different situations. After all, it's so refreshing to have a job where you're not required to have that endless keep-smiling-rushing-around-cleaning-up-service... And, what is even more nicer is the fact that the job is very close to my future mission - to become a teacher. Children are cool. Full stop.
Hetkel tundub, et Ell on sattunud mingisse kummalisse dimensiooni, kus esmaspäevast saab kohe reede ja reedest esmaspäev.. sellest võib välja lugeda vaid üht - Ell on hetkel nagu orav rattas ja kiire töömesilane ja tugev tööhobune.. Kes teab, millal ta üldse mingi meeldiva produktsiooniga jälle lagedale tuleb... Seniks - minge metsa! Seal algas nüüd puudel-põõsastel moeshow - suht vinged kostüümid neil.
At the moment, Ell seems to live in another dimension, where there is Friday after Monday and Sunday after Friday... There's only one reason for that - Ell is busy as a bee or a beaver... Who knows when there's going to be time to share some new lovely production.. Until next time - go to the woods! Have a look at the trees - they've got some fashionable costumes!
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