Fotodel on seekord üks imelihtne seelik, mis valmis emergency olukorras paari tunniga, sest mitte midagi polnud selga panna. Tumesinine kangas koos kardina pitsiga on pärit Humanast. Natuke kääride klõbinat, nööpnõelte torkeid, masina surinat ja valmis ta saigi. Ühel sumedal jaanisel suveõhtul trotsisime emaga sääski ja tormasime kodumetsa ja karjääri äärde, et mõned võtted teha.
This time I share some photos of a skirt that was made in an emergency situation. You know, it was one of those days when you feel that you've nothing to wear and then you imagine you had something special... So, I took out a box under my bed, found some dark blue and white curtain lace fabrics and made a skirt in two hours. And, on one pleasant summer evening, when it was almost 11 pm, me and my Mom, ignoring all the mosquitos we faced, ran to the forest and took some shots by the lake.
Igal suvel imestan ma üha uuesti ja uuesti, kuidas väljas on nii valge! Inimesed muudkui siblivad ringi nagu pöörased. Pole vahet, kas on öö või päev, eestlane peab oma rassimised ja rahmeldamised ära tegema kolme kuuga, sest muul ajal on juba kas külm või pime või mõlemad.
Every summer in June I'm overwhelmed by the light in Estonia. I barely sleep during the nights as it gets dark around 12 pm. That's also why the Estonians are so busy during the summer. We literally rush around like crazy! It doesn't matter wheather it's day or night, we just need to enjoy every moment during this marvellous season that lasts only three months! Basically, the other part of the year it's cold or dark or both.
Eesti suve avapaiguks on tavaliselt jaanipäev, mil iga endast lugupidav eestlane istub kas kuskil põõsas oma lõkkekesega ja sussutab miskit head ja paremat kvaliteetses seltskonnas; või siis trallitab massiivse tulekahju paistel... Sel aastal õnnestus mul saavutada üks muhedamaid ja spontaansemaid jaani tähistamisi, mis lõppes Kaberneeme rannas lausnautimisega ja eelkõige hea seltskonnaga... Kenasti sai ka kirja poolunetu öö, millele otseloomulikult järgnes kümnetunnine tööpäev.
The kick-off of Estonian summer is definitely the Midsummer day, 24th June. Every respectful Estonian celebrates it with a nice bonfire, good food, and of course, with great mates. This year the Midsummer evening was pure enjoyment with all of those splended ingredients (not to mention the breathtaking views by the sea). Unquestionably, the night was one of the shortest and it was a little challenging to get to work at 9 am, while every normal Estonian had a day off...
Võib öelda, et suvi on sajaga peale hakanud, sotsiaalsus vohab nagu suvine Rakvere raibe ja inimestel pole aega kõiki toredusi korda saata, mida tahaks, graafik on lihtsalt nii tihe! Aga see-eest on, mida talvel kamina ees tassist teed rüübates meenutada, mida suvel kõik korda saadeti, tehti ja nähti!
So, as I said, the summer social events flourish like weed in the summer fields. Besides all of the fun, there is also a need to find time to go to work. Oh, this busy schedule of summer! But at least then we have plenty of time in the winter to sit by the fireplace, sipping hot tea and remind all of those precious memories we collected during the short summer...
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